September 2023 - Starting the new term together week beginning 4th September

What an amazing first week we’ve all had together! We started the week with our new starters induction taster morning, meeting all of our new children and their families and enjoying lots of play together! Then everyone returned to playgroup to start the term together and we spent the rest of the week exploring lots of wonderful things from colour mixing using pipettes, cotton wool and coloured water. Creating and cooking pizzas, choosing the toppings we like best, and some children even made pizza faces! We had lots of fun going on a bug hunt and beginning to think about what makes us all unique whilst exploring the theme all about me. The children studied themselves using handheld mirrors and then tried to draw what they saw. We also thought about our families and some of the children had a go at drawing pictures of the people that make up their families………and of course it wouldn’t be playgroup without copious amounts of mud, water, sand, paint and play dough The icing on the cake for the staff was seeing lots of our rising fives who are just about to start at primary school happily and confidently walking past this afternoon for their stay and play! Here are some photos of our week together

Week beginning 11th September 2023

As we all continue to settle and readjust to coming back to or joining playgroup for the first time we are continuing our all about me theme and thinking about what makes us unique. We will be using the Elmer story to help us explore this and so we made a big Elmer for our display board and each child and adult at playgroup will be decorating a patch so we can make a lovely collaborative art piece. Why not check back next week to see how many unique patches have been created.

We have also spent time making some lovely Elmer suncatchers to decorate our windows, the late summer sun shines through our windows and highlights the vibrant colours the children have chosen to decorate their very own Elmer’s

A big Hello from Bertie Bear!

We have also decided to bring back Bertie the travelling bear after his 2 year covid hibernation! The children all have a chance to take Bertie home and have fun together…… their grown ups get to journal Bertie’s stay using his special blue book, then when the children next come back to playgroup they can show us all at story time their journal entry and photos, this helps the children make links between their home and playgroup and also share some of their family time with the other children

Here is Bertie saying hello to you all

The rest of september in pictures

Playing together and exploring the all about me theme has been so much fun. We have welcomed lots of new children to Community playgroup this month and it’s been great to get to know them all and find out what they like to do and what interest them. We have all enjoyed our forest school sessions creating clay creations with natural resources we found and of course bringing that seasonal bounty into our mud kitchen to adorn the mud pies,cakes and other wonderful concoctions!

We have also been keeping our bodies active with our start sporty sessions from premier and also fun activities the staff put together…. one activity that the children loved that sarah made for us was sticky hula hoops, the children had to collect balls find the correct coloured hoop and then try and throw the ball so it stuck to the hoop….it was so much fun and required a good aim as well as patience because the balls kept flying off.

We hope that you enjoy looking at the photos


June 2023


Our New Toilets - summer holiday project